Driving Change

For Families Impacted by Drunk Driving

Olivia Nicole Miles

Olivia was born on February 26, 2017, a beautiful 6.9lb baby and the love of our lives. Olivia thrived in everything and anything she set her mind to. She loved unconditionally and could tell when someone was having a bad day or just needed some extra love. She loved keeping busy, she did gymnastics, cheerleading, horseback riding, soccer, ninja training, but her favorites were baking/cooking with mom and Tball with her daddy as her coach. Olivia LOVED Youtube and she started making her own videos for her “fans”.

In her 2 years of school, she received the Kindness Award and the Friend to Everyone Award both years. She didn’t care what kids looked like, how they acted, where they came from, she wanted to be their friend and wanted to make them feel included. Olivia was the human everyone should strive to be.

She was taken from us on May 27, 2023.

The Miles Family

Support. Advocate. Remember.

Olivia Miles posing with her soccer ball

Our Mission

We want to end drunk/impaired driving so no other family must experience the devasting loss we go through every day. Whether it’s bringing awareness to our community, raising money to support families that are going though tragedy or just being shoulders to cry on.

Olivia Miles
Olivia Fishing
Olivia Cheerleading
Olivia at the Beach

Ride for Olivia

Join us for the First Annual Remembrance Ride for Olivia!

Saturday, May 25 · 10am – 3pm

Our starting point will be Wilkins Harley at 663 South Barre Road Barre, VT. We’ll be ending at Olivia’s School, Franklin Elementary, 15 School St, Franklin, VT.

There will be a DJ, food and items to raffle off at the end of the ride.

Proceeds will be going to MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Drivers). Come make this an event to remember!

We have set up a fundraising page with MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Drivers) to support their lifesaving mission in creating a future of No More Victims®. We ask that you please donate in Olivia’s name to help other families that are suffering a tragic loss due to a careless act.

If you’re unable to donate, we ask that you share this page with others to help spread the word. 

